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As of 2024, the current water rates are $16.50 for the first 1000 gallons of metered water and $0.80 per 100 gallons after that. All meters shall be read on or before the 20th day of each month and processed on the 26th day. Each consumer shall pay the amount due bill on or before the 25th day of the following month.
If the amount due bill is paid after the 25th of each month a 7% late fee will be assessed on the amount due. If the delinquent bill has not been paid before the 10th day of the month following the due date, service will be shut off and all monies owed at the time of disconnect including past due, current, and a reconnect fee of $75.00 must be paid before restoring water service to the delinquent customer. These rates will begin on the June, billing cycle and will increase by 10% each year on the June 26th billing cycle until the next Rate Study is conducted.
The City's refuse service is provided by Meridian. These services are automatically applied to the water bill. The collection includes a Monday trash pickup and a Thursday single-stream recycling pickup. On collection days that fall on a holiday, collection will be the next day. Commercial rates range on the size container requested and times of pickup per week. The container sizes range from 95 gallon toter to an 8 yard container. Weekly pickups range from 1 per week to 3 times per week. For pricing information, call 636-668-8100.
Large/Bulk Item Pickup: The service provider will provide collection of one item up to 75 pounds which can be lifted by one man, each month of the agreement at no charge. Items will be collected during the last week of each month and must be scheduled with the office. Examples of large/bulk item pickups: Stoves, refrigerators, hot water heaters, and household furnishings such as recliners and sofas. Note: Collections will be charged $20.00/hopper load if scheduled other than the last collection day of the month.
As of 2024 the sewer rates will remain as the rates from the 2021 Rate Study.
The City's sewer collection and treatment system is a 14 acre, 3 cell lagoon. Daily monitoring is conducted to insure proper operation of the system and DNR permitted levels are maintained. As of 2021, the current sewer rates for inside the corporate city limits are $36.40 for the first 1,000 gallons of metered water usage and $0.59 per 100 gallons thereafter. The current sewer rates for those outside the city limits are $46.40 for the first 1,000 gallons of metered water usage and $0.78 per 100 thereafter.
If the delinquent bill has not been paid before shutting off services to any user that is located inside City limits, all sums due and owing plus a reconnect fee of $75.00 must be paid before restoring services to the delinquent customer. If the delinquent bill has not been paid before shutting off services to residents, businesses or corporations located outside of City limits, all sums due and owing plus a reconnect fee of $110.00 must be paid before restoring services to the delinquent customer. If the delinquent bill has not been paid before shutting off services to residents, businesses or corporations in the Southwest Business Park, all sums due and owing plus a reconnect fee of $110.00 must be paid before restoring services to the delinquent customer
Public Works
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