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Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets the first Monday of the month each quarter, unless otherwise stated. See the City Calendar on the Home page.
The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to regulate the zoning and land usage within the City of Winfield through establishment of zoning districts in order to promote the public safety, health and general welfare for the citizens. The Planning and Zoning Commission will also provide a master plan or comprehensive plan to be adopted by the Board of Alderpersons. The master plan will be used as a guide and a proposal of what the City will look like in the future. For additional information, please select from the boxes below:
Mission Statement:
Provide professional and technical advice to elected officials, appointed boards, city departments, and citizens in addressing key community challenges and priorities;
Focus on long-term economic vitality, environmental integrity and city development through comprehensive planning and plan implementation;
Encourage land use efficiency in relation to community goals, safe and sustainable infrastructure, economic growth and enhancement of City’s quality of life;
Reflect the highest ethical standards with enduring respect for our customers and the public trust.
Commissioners Roster - Ordinance 155.16
Chairperson - Karen Panther
Ward 1 Alderman - Robert Roskowske III
Mayor - Dawn Garver
Public Works Administrator -
Ward 1 -
Chris Kennison
Ward 2 -
Chris Sitton
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