Covid-19 City Hall Operations
November 20, 2020
Effective November 19, 2020, Winfield City Hall will return to operating under COVID-19 restrictions. To protect staff and residents, the lobby at City Hall will be closed and only available by appointment and/or phone. There is a drop-box located to the right of the doors for dropping of documents or payments. Our staff will still be available by phone at (636) 668-8100.
The November 19th Board of Alderman meeting will remain open to the public, with requirement for all parties to respect social distancing guidelines.

Census 2020: Make the count!
August 11, 2020
The Census is used for the allocation of billion of dollars in federal funding which supports schools and educational programs, hospitals and healthcare, infrastructure developments, emergency and disaster response, and other important services.
Click Read More to learn about how you can help!

Notification: Virtual Board of Alderman Meeting
May 13, 2020
As a precautionary measure to help prevent exposure and the spread of COVID-19, the Board of Aldermen of the City of Winfield is adjusting the format of its May 14, 2020 Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Winfield, Missouri, will conduct its May 14, 2020 meeting by video-conference or conference call. The Board Chambers at City Hall will not be open to the public. This meeting will be livestreamed. To tune in please go to the City's Facebook Page There will be no Open Forum during the May 14, 2020 Board of Aldermen meeting. In lieu of an Open Forum, the public is invited to submit written comments via email to cityclerk@winfieldmo.org.
Such public comments will be read during the meeting, made a part of the official record of the meeting, and made accessible upon completion of the minutes at City Hall. The City apologizes for any inconvenience the meeting format change may pose to individuals but it is extremely important that extra measures be taken to protect employees, residents, and elected officials during these challenging times.

Notification of Cost for Police Department Membership - MO Local Government Employees Retirement System
May 13, 2020
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Winfield has received cost information for possible Police department membership in the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System. In accordance with Section 105.675 Revised Statutes of Missouri, said cost information shall be made available for public inspection for at least 45 calendar days from today prior to adoption of membership. Interested parties may view a copy of this cost information at City Hall at 51 Harry’s Way, by email at cityclerk@winfieldmo.org and or/by mailing a request to City of Winfield PO Box 59, Winfield, MO 63389, ATTN: Roschell Eaton
For more info, click Read More.

Show-Me Institute Highlights Winfield's Efforts for Transparent Government Spending
April 19, 2018
The Show-Me Institute focuses on transparency within government entities, however, efforts have been met with challenges from various communities. Listen to the interview which highlights Winfield as one of the communities focusing on transparency and utilizing the Show-Me Institute Municipal Checkbook.

Winfield Planning and Zoning - Survey
December 29, 2017
The City of Winfield is taking a proactive approach to ensure all residents have an opportunity for their viewpoints of housing, employment, infrastructure, economy, planning and zoning and other issues facing the city. These will be considered in the development of a Comprehensive Plan. Your input and collaboration is essential in order to ensure that the Plan’s direction and goals are firmly supported by the community.
Please take the time to complete it by clicking 'Read More'.

Winfield wastewater environmental report completed by Boonslick Regional Planning Commission has been approved by USDA
January 24, 2017
The Boonslick Regional Planning Commission has completed the environmental report necessary for the ongoing wastewater project. The report has been approved by the USDA, which is critical for funding the project. The City's wastewater project is required by the Department of Natural Resources to help the city avoid fees/fines for not meeting federal standards.
To view the full report, click Read More.
Winfield Building Codes Result in Potential Insurance Credits for New Development
January 6, 2017
The City of Winfield recently completed a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) survey. The audit was completed by Insurance Services Office, Inc (ISO), an insurer-supported organization that collects and provides underwriting information to insurers. The survey is designed to score the effectiveness of building code enforcement activities within a community as they are related to reducing losses from natural disasters.
Previously, the City of Winfield held a rating that indicated no building code program was in place. Nearly three years of preparation and implementation of building codes and inspection activities has resulted in the City establishing and lowering its rating by two points. Winfield's new rating of a 9 will be stored in ISO's database and provided to insurers writing policies for any buildings constructed in 2016 or later, allowing them access to credits toward their premiums.
"This is an important step for our community as we continue working to make Winfield an attractive place for people to build new homes and businesses," said Mayor Ruckel in a statement. "It's important that I recognize Tim Ens, our City Inspector, for the countless hours and patience he has dedicated to helping us expand our program and achieve this goal."
In February of 2016, ISO lowered the City's Public Protection Class (PPC) rating through a separate survey completed for the Winfield Foley Fire Protection District. The lower PPC resulted in the opportunity for many of its existing home and business owners to receive reductions in insurance premiums. Mayor Ruckel says City Officials continue to evaluate opportunities to improve its BCEGS and PPC ratings during future surveys.

City of Winfield has been awarded a Small Community Engineering Assistance Grant
February 2016
The City of Winfield has been awarded a Small Community Engineering Assistance Grant that will pay for 80% of the engineer planning costs of our sewer facility plan. The grant was funded by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

New ISO Rating for Winfield-Foley Fire Protection District
February 2016
The Winfield Foley Fire Protection District recently completed an evaluation with the Insurance Services Office (ISO) and has learned that the City of Winfield’s fire protection rating has been lowered from a 7 to 6. This positive change will likely mean insurance premium savings for many local home and business owners.
WFFPD volunteer firefighters, Winfield maintenance workers, and County Dispatch employees have spent a great deal of time and effort focusing on responder resources, response efficiency, and availability of water supply in an effort to better their rating. A lot of work goes into lowering a department’s rating, including extensive evaluation of equipment, fire hydrant locations, fire station coverage, training programs and attendance, and code enforcement activities.
According to ISO, the 6 rating will go into effect on April 1, 2016. Since each insurance company makes use of this rating through their own internal policies, it is recommended that anyone interested should contact their insurance providers directly to determine what the impact will be on their premiums.
ISO is an insurance advisory organization that provides risk information to insurance companies. Through its Public Protection Classification (PPC) program, ISO evaluates municipal fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the United States. The PPC ratings given are a culmination of many evaluated factors, and provide a benchmark for measuring the effectiveness of fire services in the area.
We’d like to offer a big thank you to the firefighters, dispatchers, and public works personnel that work very hard every day to ensure our fire department’s efficiency. Your efforts to improve the City of Winfield’s PPC rating and help to lower insurance premiums for our home and business owners do not go un-noticed. “Our hats off” to each and every one of you!
Click below for more information.